Xie Erji. Bulgakov priest icon, its content and boundaries of Orthodox icons and icon worship and other works discussed the relationship between portrait and prototype, aesthetic and theological significance he points icons in.
Bulgakov thought about the portrait of Chinese painting theory similar to the shape and likeness relations and expressive point of view and so on. Bulgakov said, portraits first associated with the ideal form of the human body, human image. Portrait of wisdom is this artistic image of the witness artistic means to the image fixed. In this sense, the portrait depicted not look, but the artist sees face.
Portrait of the prototype includes not only physical characteristics similar to reproduce, but also the face of the spirit of the performance. That is similar in that only the hair, nose, beard and other aspects is characterized in erroneous similarity deeper than this. The difference between animals and objects even that person is carrier of the spirit, his body is a container, which also lives in the spirit of tools and form, spirit and body of this unity is indivisible.
Not be divorced from the spiritual to portray the image of man. So, like the debate on both sides of the icon, as the portrait depicts only be seen as a human organ and state of reproduction, which means not only to destroy art, and mean negative icon.
The body should not only be seen as a departure from the spirit of living in which the bone and flesh: if not the spirit, the body can not even exist as a body. The body is not only a spiritual home and a tool, but not even exist as a body. The body is not only a spiritual home and tools, but also mental image. Each person's body is his spiritual heaven (non hand-made) icon, while the person depicted portrait of a man, it is the icon is artificial, hand-made icons.
In artificial Dekor it depicted not only the physical, but include those in which lives in the spirit, or that the man depicted in the icon is not visible mental state is extremely visible body image. In this sense, no matter how perfect between the photos and no matter how imperfect art of portrait, is intrinsically different.