Often in these homes, you would see each room having a crucifix over the door. One of the nicest religious home décor items is a St. Benedicts cross. There is so many symbolic items in this one style of crucifix and it is long believe that having one of these over your doorway does help keep the evil on the outside.
Another place for Inspirational Home décor is in gardens. Drive down any street you may see angels guarding over homes and front flower beds. You may see St. Francis with the animals and meek surrounding him or sometimes for garden statuary you will see the Blessed Mother. These statues can make inspirational gardens in your yard to give you an area to be reflective or prayerful in peace. There are also inspirational benches that have scriptural verses on them setting mood or tone for your prayer garden.
Bird baths and wind chimes are other items that one may have to decorate their home with religious items. Things like a St. Francis Birdbaths is are way to bring nature into your backyard again creating a peaceful retreat and a place to improve your prayer life.
byzantine style jesus christ