
Early Christian Art

As a visual art paintings and statues in the religious life in the end play what function? This became eight or nine centuries of Christian life of the major issues in the sect inside a heated debate took place. 730 AD, the Eastern Roman emperor Leo III issued a targeted ban on employing the image to the performance of Christ, the Virgin, saints and angels. The ban know 843 years before contact with people Dekor restored and the western art world contact, classical art forms to re-occupy a place in the religious art Activities

AD century to the early fourth century, Christianity in the Roman Empire was banned, and even suffered several brutal crackdown.

AD 64, an inexplicable fire burning up in the city of Rome, throughout the Roman chaos, house wood burning burst of sound and the cries of the people of a hybrid. Roman Emperor Nero blamed the Christians to the blaze. At the moment though it is midnight, he ordered the captured those Christians using them as torches burned alive. Christians in the high-handed policy has been seriously damaged, and the spread of missionary activity and religious culture and art had to go underground

After 300 years after Christian persecution, AD 313, Constantine the Great Spirit to know the value of Christianity, presented the Milan Edict, to legalize Christianity. Shortly thereafter, Christianity was designated as National Pits Rome. At this point in the disintegration of the Roman Empire has eve.

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