
Dekor and art

Orthodox icon is a different from other art forms of religious art. Russian Orthodox theologian Bulgakov said: "Power Dekor is a unique tradition of the Church, but he was not verbal and writing, but in color and image reflect Therefore, Dekor themes and methods should be.It follows the tradition of the Church, which determines its content, meaning and form. icons of religious works of art, rather than "art for art" works

If the art of the United States as an independent value as their nature and purpose, then, is not Dekor Art has a separate value, its beauty belongs to the religious beliefs and experiences. Thus, the meaning Dekor outside the Orthodox faith, only from the artistic point of view, it is difficult to understand. Someone once asked the Russian theologian Father Alexander Mayne: how to learn to understand and feel icon? Mayne replied: "Only true love, not artistic, can teach you to understand and feel Dekor Let's say one of your loved one died, but you do not have his portrait, but retains a little. cut down on passport from old photos, but you still cherish this little picture, because this is the person you love ʱ?? So for me to receive Christ, even a bad icon is meaningful

But that does not mean having no artistic iconostasis. First, it should be understood that the specific Dekor fixed norms. If the general artistic point of view, we can say with a clear conservative icon painting, regulatory restrictions on the icon themes and characters and hindered the development of Dekor art. But it is not true icon painter. Orthodox Church never established canon in the field of art forms: some resolution Ecumenical Council and local conferences involving only individual themes of portraiture.

The icon painting is not fixed formula to church canons established as unfounded, but in church tradition Tradition as a basis. Because Dekor than as idle pastime to enjoy the goods, but to pray the prayer of goods to help. Dekor is a symbol of prayer through these images sacred reverence they demonstrated a prototype of the prototype prayer. Shape or structure of the original statue is believed to be completely reproduced prototypes, such as the tradition of the Church of Jesus Christ Himself imprinted face made of natural Savior and the apostles as a guiding way home painted by Madonna. The traditional way to the unwritten ban on icon painting specification icon painter is not a simple external constraints, but retroactive prototype form.

