
Girls' Virgin Mary

Embroidery is arguably one particularly important medieval and Renaissance works of art. Church generally commissioned famous artists to design the garments, or the design of the altar front of those embroidery patterns, and then by the craftsmen to complete. The main theme of these embroidery is mostly taken from the Bible in the major religious figures, such as the Christ, the Virgin or John the Baptist.

This background of the birth of Our Lady of the 15th century Italian details of daily life portrayal, the then interior situation well portrayed. Patterned using the perspective of the building itself has an accurate description.

This works using a variety of superb embroidery skills. For example, "flesh-colored golden line" method, in a large number of silk embroidered wire, causing scattered shiny visual effects: 'parting law in the women's hair and clothing that can be seen more obvious.

The chief priests, elders and the scribes who also mocked him, and said:. "He saved others but can not save himself if he is now down from the cross, and we will believe him."
Even while being crucified two robbers went so far as mocking Jesus.

From noon until three in the afternoon, and over all black, no sun light. Three in the afternoon, when Jesus was tortured exhausted cried out: "Eli, Eli, Lamasaba major Nepalese!" That means, "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me!"

Some people standing there heard it, but did not hear clearly, said: "This man calleth for Elias."

Another had heard that he said softly, "I'm thirsty," Take a sponge dipped in vinegar, put it on a reed gave her a drink. The rest of them said: "We shall wait and see Ilya coming to save him."

Jesus also cried aloud, Qijueshenwang a. Then the veil of the temple, suddenly split in two from top to bottom, the earth shook, the rock burst, the graves are opened. Deceased bodies of the saints, many have to stand up. After his resurrection, they came out from the grave, into the holy city, and appeared unto many.

Soldiers and onlookers saw this scene, are extremely afraid, said:. "Glory to God, this is really the Son of God."

