Herod secretly called the wise men, inquired what time the star appeared, and then sent them to Bethlehem. Herod said to them: "Go and search diligently for the child, find a messenger after me, I may come and worship him."
Dr. few on the road, in the east saw a star suddenly appeared, has been running in front of them, put them to guide their children a place to live, he stopped no more. Their joy into the house and saw the child and Mary, they fell down and worshiped toward the child, they had opened their treasures, took gold, frankincense, and myrrh offered him gifts.
The wise men did not return to Herod the king, they went back another way locally, because they were instructed to God in a dream not to go back to Herod.
After the doctor left the East, the angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream like, said:. "Get up, take the child and his mother and flee into Egypt, I tell you for Herod sure to look for the child, in addition to destroy him. "
Joseph woke up, and hurried to wake Mary fled to Egypt with their children overnight. They lived there until Herod died. This was to fulfill the Lord by the prophet, saying: "I called my son out of Egypt to."
Herod waited a long time not seen Dr. back, know that they have been fooled, furious. He sent for the coasts of Bethlehem and within two years of age all baby all killed. For a time, Bethlehem Bethlehem cetongkudekushen rang loud crying sound.
Herod died, an angel in a dream to Joseph commanded, took the child and Mary returned to Israel, I heard that Archelaus succeeded his father Herod as king, they did not dare to return to Bethlehem, but went to Gary Lee territory, to the city of Nazareth, lived there. So Jesus has been called a Nazarene.
This is talking about is what Jesus was born to a series of what happened after he was born. To be continued. . .
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