These people gathered to advance has been the chief priests and the elders of abetting, they shouted in unison: "! Barabbas to us."
"Then how do Jesus called Christ?" Pilate asked.
Once again the all howl, said: "!! Crucified him crucified him."
What he wanted to say Dora, the whole crowd seemed to trouble the way, afraid to say not only bring disaster to give birth but to no avail, he took water, wash your hands before the multitude, saying: "This is the righteous blood flow, sin is not me, you bear it.
I did not expect the crowd answered:. "His blood be on us and on our children."
So Pilate released Barabbas had, he had scourged Jesus meal, to the soldiers crucified.
Governor's soldiers took Jesus into the common hall, the whole camp of people came together. They put Jesus' clothes off, put on him a purple robe, and a crown of thorns put it on him, but also to come up with a reed in his right hand, he was dressed like a king. They deliberately apology pious look, bowed in front of him, mocked him, saying: "! Congratulations, King of the Jews ah"
Someone said it used a reed, and smote him on the head as well as men to spit on his face. Teasing is over, the soldiers gave him wearing original clothes, and led him away to crucify him.
The soldiers took Jesus out. Jesus carrying his cross went forth, just run into a downward down from Simon of Cyrene. And they caught him, put the cross on him and told him to follow this Jesus carrying. Many people in tears, silently follow Jesus. Many of the women, they wail Jesus wept.
Jesus turned and said to them: "Daughters of Jerusalem, ah, do not cry for me, it should be for themselves and their children cry because the days will come when people will say:." Fertility never, never pregnant, and never raised milk Blessed. "
The soldiers led him into a place called Golgotha, Calvary it. The soldiers took Jesus mingled with gall to drink wine. Jesus refused tasted a drink. There they crucified Jesus, while on the left and right of the sea each nail Jesus also a prisoner.
Pilate deliberately wrote a sign on the cross. The sign read:. ". Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews." These words are in Hebrew, and Greek, written in three languages, so that anyone can understand. This is the Jewish chief priests and elders of an irony, which means they should be responsible for this unfair decision.
When the cross erected, the soldiers sat down to grab his clothes castrated points and guard where.
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