The reason why the body of the Virgin Mary shrouded in mystery brilliant, mainly Yinmaliya to pregnant virgin virginity on Jesus Christ. Mary induced pregnancy is the Spirit of God has already doomed. Mary itself is pristine - he was born in Santa Ana and the induction of the Holy Spirit, so she is often called purity of the Virgin. Had God made Adam and Eve, they Toushijinguo this depraved behavior of the so-called "human sin" - commonly known as "original sin." So Mary became the mother of Christ and was later eulogized endless.
Annunciation is the first story of the birth of Jesus Christ.
According to the New Testament records, when Herod king of Judea, there was a ritual called Zechariah, his wife called to Lisa Bo. They have grown old, over ninety knee but no children.
At that time, Jerusalem temple priests serve God generally divided into 24 classes. Class twice a year turn to serve God in the temple, each a week. The most important task of the most sacred priesthood is performed inside the temple incense on the altar. Each ritual is highly desirable as this work, because it is an honor for them. After two, since the priest too much, we can only raise money to decide who can get this rare opportunity. Some priests may pumping once, so we regard the temple incense seen extremely important.
When Zechariah's name has finally been drawn, he excited, and even some nervousness, because this opportunity was too good. Zechariah stood sucking machine stage smell fragrant incense, she prayed to God to give people a king can promise to save Israel. Suddenly, a sharp light to cut through the smoke filled, Zechariah frightened. An angel standing next to him.