
Our Lady of missing children

Jesus lived in Nazareth with his father. This is a mountain, a beautiful, 
pleasant scenery. That green olive trees, figs dense forest, as well as into a piece of vineyard, and set off one of the flat-topped white walls of houses, so this town extraordinarily quiet.

Jesus' father was a carpenter, a very hard-working, the mother housework, dedicated to raising children. A man living a happy life.

Passover every year, in accordance with Jewish religious customs, Joseph and Mary took Jesus small mountains, wading across the river, go up to Jerusalem, and was there a few days. They all sing and dance together, eat lamb, listening to music, to celebrate the holiday.

Jesus was twelve years old this year, they outlaw and on to Jerusalem. Section expire, parents on their back with the crowd, went a day's journey, met to know Jesus disappeared. Because the Jewish Passover is separate for men and women, men and men together, women and women together, not mixed. The kids can run around, and with the father or mother can be. So Jesus's parents thought he was on the other side there. Jesus' father hurried in kinship and familiarity among people looking for a child, how could not find, had to return to Jerusalem.

Three days later, Joseph and Mary to find Jesus in the temple. They see his son in the temple, sitting in a group of teachers, both hearing them, and asking them questions. The presence of people saw him extremely intelligent, fluent, very surprised. His parents also find it very strange, because these problems is simply too deep.
Mary to see his son recovered, very happy, the child said:? "I child, why do you want to do we stay quietly around to find you, they can not find you, your father and I are very sad."

" Why look for me?," Jesus said: "Do not you know I was in my father's home?"
Joseph and Mary did not understand his son was saying, he brought him back to Nazareth. Jesus also very obedient with his parents back. Mary quietly this thing in mind.


Chapter II Jesus was born

Herod secretly called the wise men, inquired what time the star appeared, and then sent them to Bethlehem. Herod said to them: "Go and search diligently for the child, find a messenger after me, I may come and worship him."

Dr. few on the road, in the east saw a star suddenly appeared, has been running in front of them, put them to guide their children a place to live, he stopped no more. Their joy into the house and saw the child and Mary, they fell down and worshiped toward the child, they had opened their treasures, took gold, frankincense, and myrrh offered him gifts.

The wise men did not return to Herod the king, they went back another way locally, because they were instructed to God in a dream not to go back to Herod.

After the doctor left the East, the angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream like, said:. "Get up, take the child and his mother and flee into Egypt, I tell you for Herod sure to look for the child, in addition to destroy him. "

Joseph woke up, and hurried to wake Mary fled to Egypt with their children overnight. They lived there until Herod died. This was to fulfill the Lord by the prophet, saying: "I called my son out of Egypt to."

Herod waited a long time not seen Dr. back, know that they have been fooled, furious. He sent for the coasts of Bethlehem and within two years of age all baby all killed. For a time, Bethlehem Bethlehem cetongkudekushen rang loud crying sound.

Herod died, an angel in a dream to Joseph commanded, took the child and Mary returned to Israel, I heard that Archelaus succeeded his father Herod as king, they did not dare to return to Bethlehem, but went to Gary Lee territory, to the city of Nazareth, lived there. So Jesus has been called a Nazarene.

This is talking about is what Jesus was born to a series of what happened after he was born. To be continued. . .
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Chapter II Jesus was born

"We go to Bethlehem and see!"

"This is the main directions, we go!"

Shepherd of the night went to the town of Bethlehem, found the wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger baby and guard next to Mary, Joseph.
Several shepherd looked blankly in front of all of this, I can not help them to see the angel and the angel say in the wilderness have told Mary. Mary put these things in mind, secretly brooded.

Shepherd has traveled throughout the city, this miracle spread. People who heard about it, all surprised.

A child born on the eighth day, give him circumcised, and called Jesus - it is to take the name Angel.
According to the law of Moses days of her purification, Joseph and Mary holding the child came to Jerusalem, the firstborn son to the Lord, and in accordance with the law said, offer a pair of turtledoves or two pigeons juveniles.

West of Jerusalem a man named who are righteous and devout. His inspiration of the Holy Spirit, that he should not die before they see the Lord's Christ. That day he received the creatures moved into the temple, he is met Mary and Joseph brought in the child. He took the children on hand, praise God:. "Lord, ah, I can safely dead, because I saw you The Christ"

Mary and Joseph heard this, looked at each other, I do not know what is meant by what he said. And Simeon blessed them, and Mary the mother of the child said: "This child is destined to be called in Israel many people fall and rising of many people and do defamation drifted, many hearts thoughts revealed. your heart should be pierced knife. "

Have a female prophet taught Anna, a widow, was eighty-four years old. She and her husband married for seven years a widow, and since it never left the temple. She fasted prayed day and night to serve God. At that time, she saw the couple and the children of Joseph, to praise God, and to the child's things, hope for those who redeemed Jerusalem to preach.

Before long, a few wise men from the east to Jerusalem, said: "?. That is born King called the Jewish people in the East where we saw his star, come to worship him."

This matter reached the ears of King Herod, his heart feel very secure. Because it was Rome's Jewish vassal state, ruled by the Herod. Herod the one hand trying to curry favor with the Roman emperor, on the one hand and very worried about the Jews to overthrow him, so domestic slightest sign of trouble, he was afraid. He hastily summoned the chief priests and scribes of the people, he asked: "? Christ was to be born where"

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Chapter one Jesus was born

Mary was betrothed to Joseph, not yet married, she became pregnant by the Holy Spirit. Joseph was a righteous man, and not out of shame, she wanted to put her away secretly. When considering this matter, the angel of God appeared like his dream, said: "Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to just take your wife Mary Quguo Lai, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit coming months. . he will give birth to a son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus, for he shall save his people from their sins in all these things achievement is to fulfill the Lord by the prophet, saying:.. "there must be a virgin, pregnant son, and they shall call his name Immanuel. '"

Joseph woke up, follow the Lord commanded the angel to Mary married innocence over. But they did the same room, until the child was born.
Before Jesus was born, the Roman emperor said in order to increase income, decreed that all men pay must be population Gordon, who pay for the tax history verification taxes, who do not pay. Also special requirements, the Jews must be specified date to the original place of birth to be enrolled.

Joseph, the family of David, so I took his wife Mary, to leave the city of Nazareth in Galilee, back to David's birthplace - Bethlehem, to apply to register to do.

Mary was pregnant at the time the body weight, after a difficult journey to Bethlehem, the birth of her also arrived. But Bethlehem inns Tony first person lived, find an availability. A well-meaning people in the horse barn placed a bed for them, they had to shelter in the horse barn. That night, Mary gave birth to the son of reincarnation. Their son with a cloth wrap and put in the manger.

Same night, Bethlehem countryside, a few shepherds flock being. Suddenly the sky golden light, an angel appeared before them. Shepherd terrified. But the angel said to them: "Do not be afraid, I'll report you are a king of good news, the good news is all the people today in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ, born of you shall find the babe wrapped. cloths and lying in a manger, and that is a sign. "

And suddenly there was a large group of heavenly sky again now, they and angels sang songs of praise to God:
In the highest, to the glory of God,
Top with the earth, peace be upon him who pleases.

Angels sing, slowly heaven away, vanishing into the night sky. Everything was quiet again, moonlight, such as washing, starry. Shepherd looking at the stars, recovered from fear, they talk with, said: "It is amazing
! "
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Chapter IV Jesus Kidnapped

Jesus stood around a lot of people, some are bored spectators, some of the disciples of Jesus in the past, the other is that some women: the mother of Jesus, aunt, chloroform strike his wife Mary and Mary Magdalene, etc. Jesus' mother saw the son was crucified, pains. When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple whom he loved standing by, indicate the mother to his disciples, said: "! Mother, behold thy son," his disciples to indicate the mother said: "! Behold thy mother." From then on, that disciple took Jesus' mother went to his own home.

From there, some people laugh through Jesus, shaking his head, said: "!! You destroy the temple in three days re-up man, save yourself if you are the Son of God, come down from the cross bar."

The chief priests, elders and the scribes who also mocked him, and said:. "He saved others but can not save himself if he is now down from the cross, and we will believe him."
Even while being crucified two robbers went so far as mocking Jesus.

From noon until three in the afternoon, and over all black, no sun light. Three in the afternoon, when Jesus was tortured exhausted cried out: "Eli, Eli, Lamasaba major Nepalese!" That means, "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me!"

Some people standing there heard it, but did not hear clearly, said: "This man calleth for Elias."

Another had heard that he said softly, "I'm thirsty," Take a sponge dipped in vinegar, put it on a reed gave her a drink. The rest of them said: "We shall wait and see Ilya coming to save him."

Jesus also cried aloud, Qijueshenwang a. Then the veil of the temple, suddenly split in two from top to bottom, the earth shook, the rock burst, the graves are opened. Deceased bodies of the saints, many have to stand up. After his resurrection, they came out from the grave, into the holy city, and appeared unto many.

Soldiers and onlookers saw this scene, are extremely afraid, said:. "Glory to God, this is really the Son of God."

Jews because this day is a preparation day, they asked Pilate sent to interrupt that crucified three legs, urging them dying to unload them away, lest the bodies left on the crossSabbath 

Then the soldiers ordered the two legs beside Jesus interrupted. When they come to fight 
him, I found he was already dead, they did not beat him legs. But there is a soldier holding a gun, tied at his side, blood and water to flow out.
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The Third Jesus Kidnapped

These people gathered to advance has been the chief priests and the elders of abetting, they shouted in unison: "! Barabbas to us."
"Then how do Jesus called Christ?" Pilate asked.
Once again the all howl, said: "!! Crucified him crucified him."
What he wanted to say Dora, the whole crowd seemed to trouble the way, afraid to say not only bring disaster to give birth but to no avail, he took water, wash your hands before the multitude, saying: "This is the righteous blood flow, sin is not me, you bear it. 

I did not expect the crowd answered:. "His blood be on us and on our children."
So Pilate released Barabbas had, he had scourged Jesus meal, to the soldiers crucified.
Governor's soldiers took Jesus into the common hall, the whole camp of people came together. They put Jesus' clothes off, put on him a purple robe, and a crown of thorns put it on him, but also to come up with a reed in his right hand, he was dressed like a king. They deliberately apology pious look, bowed in front of him, mocked him, saying: "! Congratulations, King of the Jews ah"

Someone said it used a reed, and smote him on the head as well as men to spit on his face. Teasing is over, the soldiers gave him wearing original clothes, and led him away to crucify him.
The soldiers took Jesus out. Jesus carrying his cross went forth, just run into a downward down from Simon of Cyrene. And they caught him, put the cross on him and told him to follow this Jesus carrying. Many people in tears, silently follow Jesus. Many of the women, they wail Jesus wept.

Jesus turned and said to them: "Daughters of Jerusalem, ah, do not cry for me, it should be for themselves and their children cry because the days will come when people will say:." Fertility never, never pregnant, and never raised milk Blessed. "

The soldiers led him into a place called Golgotha, Calvary it. The soldiers took Jesus mingled with gall to drink wine. Jesus refused tasted a drink. There they crucified Jesus, while on the left and right of the sea each nail Jesus also a prisoner.

Pilate deliberately wrote a sign on the cross. The sign read:. ". Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews." These words are in Hebrew, and Greek, written in three languages, so that anyone can understand. This is the Jewish chief priests and elders of an irony, which means they should be responsible for this unfair decision.

When the cross erected, the soldiers sat down to grab his clothes castrated points and guard where.
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the secondJesus Kidnapped

"This is coherent with what we do?" They replied coldly, "you do it yourself, you bear it!"
Judas usually remembered for his love of Jesus, heart extremely guilty, that he was thirty pieces of silver in the temple of the lost ground, stumbling came to a woods, standing under a tree on a rope tied , hanged himself.

The chief priests picked up the thirty pieces of silver, said:. "This is blood for, not on the library."

After they took counsel, and bought with them the Cave those households a field as a burial bury strangers. So the piece until today also called: The field of blood. "
Jesus stood before Pilate, the Roman total, the Governor asked him: "? Are you king of the Jews do."

Jesus replied: "Yes."

Those priests and elders began to accuse him, but Jesus is silent. Dora Peter said to Jesus: "They witness against you so much, you do not hear it?"

He still did not answer, even saying anything, think it's strange that the Chief Inspector. Pilate said to the chief priests and elders, and said: "I find no fault in this man of sin."
The chief priests and elders also strongly said: "He stirs up the people in there everywhere preaching station, from Galilee up to here."

Pilate that Jesus was a Galilean, that he would return Herod's jurisdiction. Pilate did not want to deal with such a difficult thing, sent him to Herod - Herod was just in Jerusalem. Herod had heard many miracles of Jesus, has been to see him, this time got the opportunity to ask him many things. Jesus said nothing.

The chief priests and elders and those scribes to Herod, doing all it can sue him, saying he was ill. Herod, Jesus can do a full count on miracles for him to look at, but now they can not get the word. After he and his soldiers are beginning to despise him, teasing him a pass, and sent back to the governor Pilate.

Pilate and Herod always discord, hatred between each other. Jesus now so I send you over the past feel respected by the other side, since the day began to pour became friends.

By convention, every festival, Governor Pilate can follow all the requirements, the release of a prisoner. There was a very famous prisoner, called Barabbas, because for murder, also tied in there. When the crowd gathered, Pilate said to them: "You escorted Jesus the man come to me, the people I have the temptation to say that he will tell you his thing in front of you to interrogate him, but did not find out anything. sin.

Herod did not find out what he has to send back to Jesus. Showing that he did not make any damn thing. So, I want it released. "


Jesus Kidnapped

The chief priests and all the council are looking for witness against Jesus to kill him. Although there are quite a few people to bear false witness, but different, never substantiated. Among them, there are two people charged, said:. "I am able to destroy the temple of God, and to build it in three days." 'This man once said

The chief priests and all the council are looking for witness against Jesus to kill him. Although there are quite a few people to bear false witness, but different, never substantiated. Among them, there are two people charged, said:. "I am able to destroy the temple of God, and to build it in three days." 'This man once said

The high priest of this question was very sinister, Jesus, if the answer is "No", he can survive, but he will come to naught, ruin his career will be completely done previously be ruined; if Jesus answered "yes" then according to Jewish law, he desecrated the supreme God, will provoke all-powerful.

Jesus answered without hesitation: "You're right, I was but I tell you, will you will definitely see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand, next day Sang clouds coming.."

The high priest Caiaphas furious, torn clothes, angrily said: 'He said the eloquent jump, then why should we find witnesses? You have heard, tell me how to do? "
Those who answered replied: "He is damn people."
"Capital offense!

By inciting the people spit in Jesus' face, also beat him with their fists. Someone asked gleefully: "Christ, ah, do not you tell us a prophet who is hit you?!"

The next morning, all the chief priests and the elders negotiated between those names Jesus to death. Because they themselves do not have the right to kill, bars escorted Jesus tied to Governor Pilate.

At this time, Judas saw Jesus condemned to death, and my heart regret. He had just felt unappreciated Jesus wanted him to pay out, let the priests to help him out of foul smells even, but now it is actually going to kills. He feels that he committed heinous crimes, hurried to the chief priests and elders, put the thirty pieces of silver to pay back to them and said: "! I have betrayed the innocent blood, and is guilty of it."
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Christian Gifts with Home Interior Decoration

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Jesus was arrested

In speaking, the twelve disciples Judas came, he took his soldiers, as well as the chief priests and the Pharisees a team of runners. They took the lanterns and torches and weapons, burst into the garden of Gethsemane. Judas in advance to give them a sign, saying: 'I am with who kiss, who is Jesus. You'll hold it. "

Judah came to Jesus, saying Hail, master. "Then kissed him.

He is very calm at this time. He Judah said: 'Friend, you have to do something, they do put! "Those soldiers saw Judas kissed Jesus, over and over again, he said: 'Hail, master" until Jesus in front of the station is. They swarmed tied hands go. Peter followed Jesus suddenly pulled out a knife to hand, shoving a cut, the high priest's servant Malchus an ear cut off. He shouted: 'Peter, the income scabbard! Where perish by the sword. My father has given me the wine, shall I not drink it

Jesus again the soldiers said: 'You with swords and clubs to capture me, as you catch the robbers? I sat daily in the temple teaching, and you is not quite come get me. Just now is your time to exercise his powers of darkness. "

Jesus' disciples saw the teacher calm and do not resist, though he would have to see those soldiers caught his look, it to take advantage of the night hurriedly left.
The soldiers took Jesus to the high priest Caiaphas escorted there. Scribes and elders already waiting there. Peter followed Jesus, has been with the high priest's courtyard. He found a place to sit farther, to see exactly what will happen.

Peter sat in the yard outside, then, a damsel came, stared at him for a moment and said: 'You usually is the same Jesus of the Gali together. "Peter is not good to admit in front of the crowd, quickly said: 'I do not know what you're saying."
Then Peter went out into the porch, another maid saw him, the people around, said: "This man was also with Jesus of Nazareth that gang. "Peter's determined not to admit, also vowed: 'I do not know the man."

After a moment later, that stood by, said: 'You're their accomplices, you expose your accent, you are a Galilean accent, absolutely wrong. "Peter swore again said: 'I do not know you say that person."
At this time, the cock crowed. Peter Peter suddenly remembered what Jesus had to say: 'Before the rooster crows tonight, you will deny me three times. "He stood up and goes out, not consciously looked back. Back to wait for the moment when he saw Jesus standing in the doorway, staring at himself being turned, his eyes still filled with tears. Peter suddenly felt Oath, quickly ran out crying
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The second Jesus appeared

Are speaking, Jesus suddenly stood among them and said to them: 'Peace be with you! 'They are horrified, thinking they saw a ghost. Jesus said: 'Why do you worry? Why heart doubt read it? Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself. You touch me see, the soul is not flesh and bones, and you see, I, oh yes. 'He had said this, he showed them hand and foot. They are joy can not believe that Jesus said: 'Do you have to eat? 'They gave him a fish. He took it, and did eat before them.

Jesus said to them: 'This is what I used to be with you when you are told to say: on the Law of Moses, the prophets and the Psalms described, where pointing to me, all things must be fulfilled. Then he opened their minds, that they might understand the scriptures. He said to them: 'Thus it is written, the quarter than the victim, on the third day from the dead, and people want to Feng Ming Chuan his repentance, He sin Road, beginning at Jerusalem to the nations. Ye are witnesses of these things. I will put my Father has promised upon you, and you want to stay in the city until you have been clothed capacity from above

Later, Jesus made them to Bethany, just raise your hand and blessed them. Zheng blessing when the sky clouds floated one, he left his disciples, was taken up into heaven. The disciples are worshiped, watched him leave in the midst of clouds of. They returned to Jerusalem with joy, praise God in the temple。

After eleven apostles watched Jesus ascended back to  Jerusalem  up on the building they lived in one room. Them with a few lady, the mother of Jesus, and her brother, who, with one accord in earnest prayer.

At that time, there are many people to meet, by about 120 people. After Judas committed suicide, the Twelve Apostles became eleven people. Simon Peter suggested that people often want to keep company with the re-election of an apostle, make up the number. His proposal to get everyone's consent, so everyone elected two candidates, after prayer, shaking sign, finalized a man named Matthias. Since then, Matthias on and that eleven apostles tied together.
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Jesus appeared

Or in this day, the disciples of Jesus, there are two people went to the village of Emmaus, which was from Jerusalem about twenty-five miles. They walk and talk about some things that have met recently. Are talking about, Jesus will be close to them, and their peers, but their eyes were confused, do not know him. Jesus asked them: 'When you walk in to talk about what things?

They stood still, looking sad, one disciple named Cleopas answered: 'Your guest in Jerusalem, and did not know what happened there these days it? '
What thing? : Jesus asked.

They said: 'Jesus of Nazareth is the thing. He was a prophet, before God and the people, speaking to act has a very special ability. Chief priests and rulers delivered him to be condemned to death, crucified. But we always look forward to going to redeem Israel who is she. Now he was dead for three days. Surprisingly, there are a few women said they to the tomb early this morning, his body was gone, but saw the Tainan City, said he resurrected. We have a few people came thither, and did not see his body. "

"Ignorant people that: 'He sighed and said:' The Prophet said everything, then you too slow of heart to believe such a victim of Christ, and to enter into his glory, should it not do '? he Speaking from Moses and the prophets, who developed his own scripture, expounded unto them understand.

When approaching the village of Emmaus, Jesus seems to still go on their way. They would retain him, said: 'days late, and we ask you to stay with it! "And he went up, and they want to live. To the seat, Jesus took bread, gave thanks, broke it, gave it to them. Their eyes suddenly opened, and they recognized that he was Jesus. But suddenly Jesus has gone.
Two of his disciples and said to each other aftertaste "'No wonder the way, she and speak to us, to our preaching, our hearts are hot."

They immediately got back to Jerusalem. They arrived, Zheng met eleven mentoring and their colleagues together. They talk, said: 'The Lord is risen indeed, and has appeared to Simon!

The two men also put time on the road and found Jesus in the breaking of bread out of the things they recognize, from start to finish to tell you again
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Jesus' resurrection

In the evening, there is a rich man, whose name was Joseph, of Arimathea came from, he is a honorable counselor, secretly made a disciple of Jesus. He boldly unto Pilate, and begged the body of Jesus. Pilate for Jesus had died very surprised, because usually a person is crucified always be subject to two or three days of torture to die, he got the centurion asked that after the truth, put the corpse of Jesus gift to Joseph.

Day, who had Nicodemus Interview Jesus came, he took myrrh and aloes, about a hundred pounds. And he bought fine linen. They took him down from the cross, burial in accordance with Jewish custom, with the spices and wrapped in linen and, placed in Joseph carved from rock in the new sepulcher ------- Jesus was nailed to the place from the place is not far. They roll to a stone, blocking the tomb. Mary Magdalene totter mother of Jesus, and several other women standing next to the grave together.

The next day is the day of Preparation, the chief priests and the Pharisees gathered together unto Pilate, saying: "Sir, we remember that that deceiver said, when the resurrected Jesus' three days later, I want to resurrection ', so make orders for the tomb to be made secure until the third day. We are afraid of his disciples to steal him away, and then tell the people who say that Jesus rose from the dead. If so, then later more powerful than the previous confusion. '

Dora He said: 'You have a guard of soldiers go to school! You can do properly guarded. "
They took the guard of soldiers went together, seal the stone, the tomb guard up.
Sabbath, the first day of the week, when the dawn, Mary Magdalene and the other two women had prepared with spices look grave. They did not go there, all of a sudden the earth shook violently, the angel of the Lord descending from the sky down on the stone tomb of boiling, then sat on the edge. That face of an angel like lightning, and his clothes were white as snow. The guards were shook with random chatter, some slumped on the ground, and became as dead men.
Jesus' resurrection.

Jesus' resurrection.
Three women came to the present, see the lid open, sitting on top of an angel, very afraid. The angel said to the women: 'Do not be afraid, I know that you are looking for those who have been crucified Jesus. He is not here. As he says, has been revived. You take a look at the place where, go tell her disciple, or he is risen, and before you go to Galilee, and there shall ye see him. "

The women listened, fear and joy, and hurried away from the tomb, ran to his disciples.
Their words, the disciples did not believe, that is nonsense. Peter also specifically went to the tomb, entered, and look down, only to see the linen piled up in one place, but missing the main body, on the back, was a strange thing happened.
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Show the religious faith of home decor

They say your house says a lot about you. For Christians, much of the décor of their home may reflect their beliefs. As you look around your friends homes you can get a feel for where Christ or their religious belief fits in their life.

As an Italian Immigrant, growing up in North Jersey it was not uncommon to go to a friend's house and find holy water fonts on the wall for you to bless yourself when you walked in. Many of my friends had statues of the Blessed Mother or the Sacred Heart of Jesus and a full statue of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in the living room. Others had a patron saint statue in their kitchen window. And in bedroom they had small statues or knickknack that had a religious theme. I remember my one friend, also Italian, when you walked in they had a like-sized statue of Jesus in their entry foyer.

Often in these homes, you would see each room having a crucifix over the door. One of the nicest religious home décor items is a St. Benedicts cross. There is so many symbolic items in this one style of crucifix and it is long believe that having one of these over your doorway does help keep the evil on the outside.

Another place for Inspirational Home décor is in gardens. Drive down any street you may see angels guarding over homes and front flower beds. You may see St. Francis with the animals and meek surrounding him or sometimes for garden statuary you will see the Blessed Mother. These statues can make inspirational gardens in your yard to give you an area to be reflective or prayerful in peace. There are also inspirational benches that have scriptural verses on them setting mood or tone for your prayer garden.

Bird baths and wind chimes are other items that one may have to decorate their home with religious items. Things like a St. Francis Birdbaths is are way to bring nature into your backyard again creating a peaceful retreat and a place to improve your prayer life.

In my own home, as I look around, I have many items and find myself though out the day as these items catch my eye, using them to remind me to thank God for all I, have many times a day.

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Icons Orthodox doctrine

Orthodox theologians Bulgakov in the characteristics outlined Orthodox writings, wrote: '' Every branch of Christianity around the world have their own unique talents: the Catholic Church has the authority to the organizers, Protestantism has daily life and intellectual honesty ethical order, Orthodox nation, first Byzantine and Russian, there is an insight into the beauty of the world of the gods in order. "

Orthodox icons are part of the traditional non-cut points. It must not only as conquests church interior decoration and Orthodox worship thing, but the Orthodox believers into everyday life, becoming a unique cultural and artistic traditions.
Orthodox icons of both theology and art. If the origin of retroactive icon,
It has both contact and differences between the early Christian art

Aesthetic sense of Christian symbols and symbolic first painting in the field of development. In early Christianity, and there is no sense that we are now icons. Moment of the beginning of the Christian underground tomb cave paintings ------ symbolic nature. Underground cave tomb early Jewish Christians modeled underground cave tomb built, Christians hiding in here to commemorate the martyrdom of those who held the liturgy and other activities.

Roman tomb underground cave art first Christian art, these murals are basically not what we are talking about icons (Christ, saints or biblical portrait of the history of the event), but a special symbol, they are used to express about the content of some idea of Christ and the Church, and the Old and New Testaments "Bible" Scripture and prayer book coincides godfather. Some of these symbols or themes from the "Bible" as the boat, fish, sheep, mouth rank olive branch dove, vines and other: some from polytheism, such as Orpheus. Of course, not painting Orpheus himself, it is important that he had to go to hell, to symbolize Christ come down to earth to save the human ancestor。. But these symbolic expression of the "Bible" in the image of the icon contains the seeds。

Later, Christian culture gradually absorbed, mastered the Greek culture of language used for Christian services. 3rd century AD, the underground Catacombs increase in number, and with inscriptions, frescoes inside. Gospel parable theme relief has been widely disseminated. Underground Catacombs of strokes is the oldest Christian art。
                                 jesus christ byzantine art of virgin mary orthodox


Makes for Great Religious Gifts

To about 15 million Jews all over the world, religious devotion goes hand in hand with their attachment to religious gifts or the Jewish art objects that embody the spiritual and ethical principles of Judaism, the religion as old as humanity itself.  The uniquely crafted Jewish arts and artifacts serve as markers that Judaism is practiced in a place of worship.  Similarly, you can be sure it is a Jewish family that dwells in a house adorned by plentiful  objects.

It's an age-old tradition and part of religious belief for the Jewish faithful to give judaica as present to family and friends not only during religious holidays but for also for ritual purposes.  When a Jew person is welcomed to the adult world, for example, a mitzvah is performed with the most beautiful Jewish art object that can be found.   The belief is that the more exceptional the art object, the more praiseworthy it becomes before the eyes of God.
Because Jewish art objects are closely identified with this religion and way of thinking, these objects are also offered as every day gifts to family members and friends if only for a demonstration of thoughtfulness.  Both the gesture and the gifts keep people together, in touch with their Jewish roots.  The gifts are also a way of expressing love and esteem, not to mention respect for Jewish rituals and beliefs.
Hand-in-hand with the importance of Jewish candles are candlesticks. The Menorah holds nine candles, eight to commemorate the days the original oil lasted and one helper candle used to light those eight. There are also special candlesticks used in the Shabbat.  Jewish candlesticks are popular as wedding gifts.
As every day gifts, Christian symbols Jewish jewelry and souvenir items are in great demand.  Any reputable judaica store has jewels decorated with a Magen Star of David, Chai or Hamsa.  People buy these jewelry pieces as gift for a loved one or an accessory for themselves.
Then to combine wood, alloys, plastics, glass and other materials, made into a variety of styles, exquisite,High quality,affordable crafts religious icons for all levels of customers to purchase, for the blessing and gift to share.
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all religious icons jewelry pendant store

My factory is religious store.Factory production and development of all types materials  of  religious art,include:religious  icons,byzantine icons,russian orthodox,
greek orthodox,eastern orthodox,catholic art,etc. mainly focused on aluminum and copper production and development of religious icons, icon surface effects are: silver, gold, antique silver, ancient gold, ancient bronze, matt , color, etc., the surface can makedouble color, tri-color, multi-color.Then to combine wood, alloys, plastics, glass and other materials, made into a variety of styles, exquisite,High quality,affordable crafts religious icons for all levels of customers to purchase, for the blessing and gift to share.

People may decide to shop at a religious store for many reasons. These stores carry products that can't be obtained in department stores or regular retailers. This type of store can be a generic Christian store, a Catholic store or one that has Judaica.

Depending on one's religious affiliation, people may want to find gifts that are suitable for religious occasions such as a baptism, or christening, confirmation, or bar or bat mitzvah. Many denominations such as Catholicism have several events for people early in life. Relatives and friends often play the role of godparents or sponsors, which are a sort of spiritual mentors. It is custom in many of these events for one party to give the other person a gift of some sort such as a religious icon, jewelry or other type of sacred object. People that are seeking these gifts will look for products at the store type that most closely matches their religious background. They may find a local store or look for a religious store online. 
                               Virgin Mary Jesus Rare Eastern Orthodox Religious
There are also stores that carry religious literature such a bibles. Different denominations rely on different versions with the King James Version being one of the most widely used. There are sometimes other options for religious works depending on how large the store is and what group it is associated with. People can sometimes find fiction and non-fiction works from prominent theologians as well as books about the lives of saints.

Our customers are: the United States, Australia, Russia, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Romania, the Middle East, Israel and so on. All customers on the quality of our company's products, the company's services are full of praise. We are constantly learning and progress, and make efforts to develop more products to meet customer requirements of religious icons, and strive every product, every service can be perfect. Welcomed friends inquiries.


jeus god Great Religious Gifts

To about 15 million Jews all over the world, religious devotion goes hand in hand with their attachment to judaica or the Jewish art objects that embody the spiritual and ethical principles of Judaism, the religion as old as humanity itself.  The uniquely crafted Jewish arts and artifacts serve as markers that Judaism is practiced in a place of worship.  Similarly, you can be sure it is a Jewish family that dwells in a house adorned by plentiful judaica objects.

My factory is religious gifts store.Factory production and development of all types materials  of religious icons arts ,religious items include catholic gifts,religious gifts,russian orthodox icon,greek orthodox icon,christian icon,eastern orthodox icoetc

It's an age-old tradition and part of religious belief for the Jewish faithful to give judaica as present to family and friends not only during religious holidays but for also for ritual purposes.  When a Jew person is welcomed to the adult world, for example, a mitzvah is performed with the most beautiful Jewish art object that can be found.   The belief is that the more exceptional the art object, the more praiseworthy it becomes before the eyes of God.
mainly focused on aluminum and copper production and development of religious icons, icon surface effects are: silver, gold, antique silver, ancient gold, ancient bronze, matt , color, etc., the surface can make double color, tri-color, multi-color.Then to combine wood, alloys, plastics, glass and other materials, made into a variety of styles,exquisite,High quality,affordable crafts religious icons for all levels of customers to purchase, for the blessing and gift to share.
                                 saint of Greek Christian Orthodox Religious icon
Because Jewish art objects are closely identified with this religion and way of thinking, these objects are also offered as every day gifts to family members and friends if only for a demonstration of thoughtfulness.  Both the gesture and the gifts keep people together, in touch with their Jewish roots.  The gifts are also a way of expressing love and esteem, not to mention respect for Jewish rituals and beliefs.
Hand-in-hand with the importance of Jewish candles are candlesticks. The Menorah holds nine candles, eight to commemorate the days the original oil lasted and one helper candle used to light those eight. There are also special candlesticks used in the Shabbat.  Jewish candlesticks are popular as wedding gifts.
As every day gifts, Jewish jewelry and souvenir items are in great demand.  Any reputable judaica store has jewels decorated with a Magen Star of David, Chai or Hamsa.  People buy these jewelry pieces as gift for a loved one or an accessory for themselves.
Welcomed friends inquiries.


Catholic Religious Items

Many Christians have questions about catholic religious items. Here, we'll look at the mysteries Catholic faithful meditate on when using rosary beads.

You may have seen catholic religious items at a Christian gifts shop, or perhaps you have seen them in the hands of a friend. If you're Catholic, you probably know quite a bit about rosary beads, and perhaps you even use them; if not, you probably wonder what those Catholic rosary beads are for. You'll find valuable information about Roman Catholic rosaries in other articles; here, we'll just focus on the traditional meditations Catholics use when praying the rosary. There is a fourth set of mysteries which we'll look at in another article on Catholic Rosary beads; these are the Luminous mysteries.

This set of rosary mysteries comes mostly from Saint Luke's Gospel, which can be found in the New Testament. If you know the Christmas story, and if you know a bit about Jesus' childhood, then you'll probably find that these occasions are familiar. For these and the rest of the mysteries we'll explore, each mystery counts as a decade on a set of Catholic rosary beads.
Even Jesus experienced trouble during his lifetime; he experienced more pain than most of us could ever imagine when he suffered and died. The sorrowful mysteries rosary commemorate his acts of redemption.
You can find Catholic Religious Items made from gleaming mother of pearl or precious Holy Land olive wood at HolyLand-Gifts.com, along with many other Catholic and Christian items. We hope you enjoyed this informational article; you'll find even more information when you visit our blog.

My factory is religious gifts store.Factory production and development of all types materials  of religious icons arts ,religious items include catholic gifts,religious gifts,russian orthodox icon,greek orthodox icon,christian icon,eastern orthodox icoetc. mainly focused on aluminum and copper production and development of religious icons, icon surface effects are: silver, gold, antique silver, ancient gold, ancient bronze, matt , color, etc., the surface can make double color, tri-color, multi-color.Then to combine wood, alloys, plastics, glass and other materials, made into a variety of styles,exquisite,High quality,affordable crafts religious icons for all levels of customers to purchase, for the blessing and gift to share.
                                      greek orthodox icons virgin mary of jesus christ